Friday, January 30, 2009

Aku Dan Pertama Kompleks

1. Masa tahun 1991 dulu, aku suka sangat melepak kat Pertama Kompleks. Aku tak pasti kenapa mak bapak Pertama Kompleks tu bagi nama Pertama Kompleks kat Pertama Kompleks. Mungkin sebab Pertama Kompleks tu anak dia yang sulung. Malangnya lepas tu mak dia dah tak beranak beranak lagi dah. Sebab aku tak pernah dengar pun ada Kedua Kompleks. Perodua ada la.

2. Masa dulu belum ada lagi LRT. Jadi, kenderaan utama untuk ke Pertama Kompleks dari Taman Melati ialah Bas Mini nombor 15. Lagi satu alternatif ialah Bas Len Seng nombor 196 atau 198. Tiket dalam 50 sen aje. Selalunya bila masuk aje kat dalam bas tu aku berdoa supaya konduktor bas tu tak nampak aku. Tapi bukanlah baca doa kuat-kuat siap tadah tangan punya. Baca dalam hati dah la ye dak? Kalau dia tak nampak aku, mesti aku tak payah bayar. Lima posen tu besar tu nilai dia untuk budak sekolah macam aku ni. Malangnya, disebabkan aku ni gomok, susah la konduktor bas tu untuk tak nampak aku bak kata pepatah; Nyamuk diseberang jalan dia boleh nampak, ini kan pulak badak air menyeberang sungai secara kuak lentang.

3. Selalunya aku akan turun bas kat Chow Kit. Chow Kit kat belah depan ye. Bukan kat belakang-belakang tu. Masa tu dekat Chow Kit tu banyak orang meniaga macam kat Jalan Masjid India sekarang ni. Ada orang jual baju, jual makjun kuat main, jual minyak lintah, jual cincin sarung kat anu dan macam2 lagi. Yang buat magik show tipu pun ada. Aku suka tengok orang2 yang jual style lelong-lelong ni. Maklumlah, masa tu, tak wujud lagi. Teringat jugak aku kat brother yang jual ubat kuat punya skrip. "Tuan-tuan tengok saya ni. Muka tak hensem. Hensem lagi muka kambing. Tapi bini ada 3. Muka hensem tak penting sedara. Yang penting, batang mantap!", sambil menunjukkan lengan dan menggenggam penumbuk. Memang muka dia tak hensem pun. Sayang masa tu takde digital cemera, kalau tak, sure aku dah ambik gambar dia dan comparekan dengan muka kambing.

4. Lepas tu, aku pun jalan kaki lah ke Pertama Kompleks. Takkan aku nak jogging pulak kan. Nanti orang ingat aku buat acara merentas desa pulak. Aziz Desa pun tak suka masuk merentas desa. Hasbullah Awang pun tak suka kupas bawang. Abu Bakar Atan pun tak suka berkhatan.

5. Korang tak tertanya-tanya ke kenapa aku suka gi Pertama Kompleks? Aku tau korang sebenarnya tak tertanya-tanya pun. Saja je aku tanya korang macam ni supaya dengan pertanyaan aku ni, korang dengan sendirinya tiba-tiba je tertanya-tanya. Bila korang dah tertanya-tanya, baru lah aku boleh jawab. Nanti kalau tiba-tiba je aku jawab, korang boleh cakap kat aku "Tak tanya punn!!". Malu lah aku kalau korang buat kat aku macam tu.

6. Jawapannya ialah.. eh sat sat... apasal kata dasar dia "jawab" tapi, bila tambah imbuhan "an" kat belakang, tetiba je jadi "jawapan"? Ada cikgu BM tak dekat sini? Lagi satu, aku ada teka teki. Kalau air nescafe campur milo, kita panggil neslo, kalau air bandung campur cincau, kita panggil bancau, kalau air kopi campur teh? Haa.. jawab jangan tak jawab!

7. Balik semula... Jawapannya ialah, kat sana banyak kedai game bro..... Masa tu memang top gila kedai-kedai game ni. Sapa nak kaya cepat masa tu, bukak lah kedai game. Alaa.. kedai game yang masuk syiling doposen tu... macam-macam game ada. Tapi, yang paling femes masa tu ialah game Street Fighter 2. Abuuuuugitt!!! Game bogel bogel pun ada. Kena bukak gambar bogel sambil mengelak untuk dimakan labah-labah. Tapi, game ni aku tengok je orang besar main dari belakang. Diorang terer main game ni. Bila terbukak aje gambar bogel tu, aku pun tumpang tengok sekali. Tak payah bayar pun. Berbulu je brader yang main game tu bila tau aku tengok kat belakang. Sama je berbulu dengan gambar bogel tu. Padahal gambar kartun aje. Tah hapo hapo tah. Aku tau korang mesti tengah imagine gambar tu macam mana kan? Istighfar segera!

8. Lagi satu yang aku suka main ialah Billiard. Alah.. yang macam snooker tapi bukan snooker tu. Kau dapat 3 bijik bola merah, aku dapat 3 bijik bola putih. Lepas tu kita main la tunjal-tunjal bola tu antara satu sama lain, masukkan dalam lubang. Sapa yang abis 3 bijik tu dulu, dia kalah la. Yang ni lima posen sekali main. Kalau bola tu dah masuk lobang, tak boleh keluar balik dah. Kalau nak main lama, agak2 bola tu macam boleh masuk je kalau kena tunjal, kitorang tahan la bola tu supaya tak masuk lobang. Lepas tu sorok la bola tu kejap. Yang jaga kedai ni selalunya aunti yang mata rabun. Sebab tu line clear aje. Kalau amoi mata rabun, kan best. Ini aunti, ceh.. buang karan je.

9. Lepas puas main game, aku pun balik naik bas sebab dah lapar. Sampai rumah aku pun makan nasik banyak-banyak. Sedap ooo makan nasik masa lapar. Free pulak tu. Dari aku mengabiskan duit makan nasik kat kedai, baik aku main game.

10. Itulah kisah aku dan Pertama Kompleks. Jom la pergi Pertama Kompleks. Aku cerita-cerita macam ni, dah gian la pulak rasanya aku nak main game kat situ balik. Lain feel dia dengan main PS2 atau computer game bai. Dia punya joystick, dia punya button, dengan aroma kedai game tu lagi.. Perghhhh.... tangkap leleh bai.. Sampai terlupa pulak tahun ni umur aku 32 tahun. GatDemmit!!

Pertama Kompleks... kau lah tempat aku membesar.. tanpa kau, siapalah aku....


@tune® said...

mmg pertama jer paling top..
pastu kalau famili..Yaohan...

adehla...aku bukan cikgu BM..aku cikgu aku xleh jawab jawapan...

Anonymous said...

ekceli...kalo kopi campur teh orang panggil cham...

aku mmg takde jawapan nak jawab pasal imbuhan 'an' utk kata dasar jawab. mungkin DBP pon tgh pening memikirkan jawapan..

Chic Mont said...

No Komen!

Uda said...

kedai game kat situ ada lagi la.... aku ader gak pg main.... hehehe....

p.s. aku rindu main game kuda la....

Anonymous said...

aku keje kat pertama complex. haha

chucky said...

nasib baik ko x membesar macam pertama komplek,
x dpat aku nk bayangkan bhaiii

13may said...

hehhe hehhe...

siap ada soalan cepumas lagi...hehhe hehhe

thoyol said...


welcome back..

shell said...

entry kau teringat aku zaman dulu dulu. Tapi instead of bas 15, aku naik bas 14. Bas leng seng mana aku dah lupa... tapi aku turun chow kit utk pegi The Mall, bukan pertama kompleks. heh.

tropicoloco said...

welkam back!!

lama dah aku tunggu kau update..alam bunian??

ada bawak cenderamata tak??


Anonymous said...

Finished...2 minggu aku baca menatang nih.. ada la sesikit persamaan ngan sesapo yang lahir end of 70's. dari main bola sampai la masuk sekolah menengah.. tak banyak beza pun... nice blog

Anonymous said...

Berzaman aku tunggu... Update jugak blog ni...

Lepas ni aku rasa lagi 4 bulan la x update...

Anonymous said...

2 bulan dah.. kene tunggu lagi 2 bulan dia nih pegnen,,kena tunggu 9 bulan pulak?

kima said...

Adakah taiko sekali lagi melancong ke alam bunian?

blackpurple @ jowopinter said...

Itu Kompleks Pertama. Campbell tak cerita? hehehe!

Zulfadli Zainal said...

no 4 dan 5 style bro.











Izham Miyake said...

Salam dengan kejujuran ni macam tak jujur je aku tengok?

Jujur ke tak jujur ni? hehehe.. Macam ada maksud tersembunyi pulak aku rasa..

hehe.. buruk sangka betul aku nih..

Ryehanna said...

BIla mau update daaaaaa...dh bulan 4 dh ni...

sashaLAH said...

Sg. Wang pon happening ape..

gelimat said...

ape cite ni brader. tak gelimat la kalo tak update...

Anonymous said...

Aku merinduimu...

Anonymous said...

lawak org str8 memang mcm hanjeng bosannya...
yang hadoo... hauk sgt post ni... haram yg beruk

zafi said...

wohhhhhhh entry ini juga mengingatkan aku zaman dolu... well our age tak jauh beza... suke gak gi sana dulu... carik kasut dr cardin n main game! hehehehhe :P

BuahKranjiDalamPerahu said...

gile olskool beb..banyak memori tempat tuh...hohoho..ramai gak 1st time date kat situh..hohoho

Update addict said...

Dah la tu bro...

Asyik ko dengan ko punya pertama kompleks...kami macamana ?

Bila mau update...kami sudah ketagihan update...heheheheh

passerby said...

dah 4 bulan dah takde updet :P

Azhan's said...

haha..betul bro! pertama kompleks rock!

joegrimjow said...

mesti xmiss main kat arked atas sogo

good man said...

It is undeniable that malays are stupid, incapable and lazy. Why don't they just humbly admit the facts and repent and learn from other races especially Chinese?

What is the point to argue here and wasting time again?

From the first onwards we were merely telling the truths. It wasn't us who think that way but their own Badawi as well.

All malays should go and read the newspaper, even Badawi is ashamed of maintaining the NEP after 34 years of implementing it and these malay baboons are still asking for it.

Even Badawi wanted them to compete on a level playing field.

So what does all these tell the world? It sends a very clear message that it is malays themselves who are incapable and lazy and they don't even want to admit it and make a change!

That is the biggest shame of all.

Can't you see, it is all back to square one. Year in, year out, some talk for half an hour, some one, some two. Some sing, many belt out their most recent released 'pantun'.

After all. Malays are good at that. Suggestions after suggestions, some good, some impossible to realize.

But, do you see any of these materialised? Hardly. Why, why and why???

Because the malays can never change. Never! Why?

The leaders forgot it or were they simply didn't want to address and admit that the actual disease is the malays and the remedy itself is also, the malays. They can never change. What is it about the malays?

Firstly as you all know, they are a lazy species. Since the beginning of time they have been like that. Even the encyclopedia called them as lazy people. I think those British with their accent tried to call them 'malas', and if you put 'y' in, it becomes 'malays'.

Embracing Islam make them a worse lot. Now they have a license to kill anything that gets into their way.

Malays are ungrateful lot. In reality, they just can't live or open their minds for others. When Mahathir said that they are complacent, they put him in jail. When Mahathir encouraged them to learn English language, they got angry with him, saying it is a 'bahasa penjajah'.

When other races 'maju', they got angry with them too. That was why at the end of Mahathir his regime, he said this, "I have achieved greatness as a prime minister, but I only fail in one thing, changing the malays."

Well, nothing to be surprised about anyway since Mahathir is not really a malay, and I guess that was why the malays were angry with him.

Drug abuse, hate, incest, liberal extremism (culture of miniskirts and gay marriages), murder, parochialism, racism, rape, religious fanaticism, snatch theft, spoilt bratty behavior, tribalism, wife abuse, child abuse, all that is associated with the malay race.

To them, malay is the biggest impediment towards building a truly Malaysian nation, and should be chucked into the dustbins of history.

A genetically flawed race cannot be fixed by politically. Nature will take its course and globalization will put them out to pasture.

What have we got now?

Brain drain, economic disparity getting wider, poor education system, racial segregation, widespread corruption, inefficiency and uncompetitive on the government departments and others.

Sad. Sad. Sad. The question asked by many of my fellow Chinese is this - Why can't you just tell the malay peoples to adopt Chinese culture which is superior?

From research, this peninsular was part of the Siamese empire way before these malays from Indonesia invaded it.

Still so thick skin, don't want to go back to Indonesia!

Anonymous said...

taiko da gi alam bunian seh...
korunk tunggu arrr... ^_^

Noor Fatin said...

lamanya xpegi pertama kompleks..huhu

kechik said...

bila nak update lagi??
tak sabar nak gelak golek-golek.. huhu..

Rt Hon Sir Cipan Nougat-Tenuk said...

Ya Allah ... sampai dah lepas Raya pun tak update lagi.

Aku ingat aku lah yang paling malas ... hmmm .

Unknown said...

sesat ke kat pertama komplek tu?? hehe ;)

sunyi sepii ajoo

uncle said...

hooh kau telah memngkitkan nostalgia lama aku berkenaan pertama kompleks..perghh dulu dan sekarang dan lain ni penuh dengan kedai hanset jer...naik semak aku tengok.

Yus said...

ni tak update mesti sbb msk dalam alam bunian nih..

Unknown said...

hahahahahha ;D

Hellioz said...

kompleks perdua ko pnah g?

nina said...

ala....lamenye tak update?
ni mesti anak da masuk 4org.. :P

Anonymous said...

Thanks, dude! That explains it.

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